Cats Keeper: Human-Cat Interaction

We worked on a CatsKeeper project that can be considered as part of a smart home. However our implementation works as a helper for human - cats interaction, allowing a remote communication of cats with humans and vice versa.

We have implemented several types of cats - computer interactions: audio recognition, video recognition, and a push button. And a human-computer interaction by a telegram bot.

Telegram bot

The main interaction with humans is done through a telegram bot. It can send messages to inform the pets owners about events or something that a pet would want to say about. It also supports the reverse communication by answering on a command entered by human Can be used in a private dialog with the cat or added to a group (i.e. family chat).

After receiving the messages, some direct human - cats interaction may be required.

Audio recognition

Detects meowing and sends a message.

Can be used next to a door to ask the human to open the door or for a mechanism to open the door automatically. If using several microphones, can be used for several different doors. Was tested with audio files and with recorded cats sounds.

Video recognition

Can be used to know the cat’s position or to collect statistics of cat’s presence in a particular spot.

We used only one camera. If using several, one can be installed in every room of a house and by tracking all of them the human will know where exactly the cat is.


First, we needed to find an arduino with a wifi module. Once found, we soldered the contacts to ease its use on a breadboard.

Can be used in the kitchen for cats to ask for food which can be given by a human after receiving the message or by a smart food-giving pets bowl.

Project on Github