REMIND: A specific scenario, one object to be selected in a supermarket.
PRECIOUS: Progressive REfinement using Cone-casting in Immersive virtual environments for Out-of-reach object Selection. This technique resorts a flash light casted from user’s hand. Users can control the aperture to select the objects.
Bob is standing in a abit far distance to the shelves and he want to select a cola. He doesn’t want to move by foot since he is so lazy. So he need to use an out of reach method. He decide to use PRECIOUS since it’s quick and can select objects in a far distance. He first cast the falsh light to the cola’s direction then he shrink the aperture and get the a cola.
Hand Bubble
This technique can generate a bubble on user’s hand. Users can control the volume of this bubble.
Alex stood by the shelf for a long time. She wanted to get her hands on that one packet of chips hidden by other flavors. She can use Hand Bubble to get them. First she reaches her hands to the hidden chips then she resizes the bubble to select only one packet.
Object Menu
Users can use raycast to select a shelf and then generate a menu of this shelf. Users can then select the objects on the menu.
Tailuo wants to buy a lot of things. Why not just give him a menu? He first point one shelf with raycast light. Then he select the object on menu, and the chosen object will then fly towards him.