It’s a novel selection technique with eye tracking–Eye-controlled Sphere-casting refined by QUAD-menu. EyeSQUAD is divided into two subtasks: sphere-casting and quad-menu refinement. For the sphere-casting subtask, EyeSQUAD allows the user to control the selection sphere with eyes by calculating the convergence point from the user’s eye ray data. Once the sphere-casting selection has been triggered, the set of objects inside it are evenly and randomly distributed on an out-of-context quad-menu. Users then refine the set of selectable objects by gazing in the direction of the quadrant that contains the target and trigger the selection again.

  • Reach - Infinite It uses the spherer-casting to get a set of objects.
  • Cardinality - Multiple: It first select a set of objects then refine to get the target.
  • Progressive Refinement - Discrete → Iterative: It select the target by iteratively reducing the number of candidate objects by 4 until find the final one.

Ref: Wang Y, Kopper R. Efficient and Accurate Object 3D Selection With Eye Tracking-Based Progressive Refinement[J]. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2021, 2: 607165.


HandDepthCursor uses raycasting as the selection mechanism. The use can go deeper and move back to the densely cluttered environment via two non-dominant hand gestures. To go deeper, the user can point her index finger to the front. To come close, the user can point her thumb to the back.

  • Reach - Infinite It uses the raycasting to select an object.
  • Cardinality - Single: The depth cursor is used to move the cursor in the densely cluttered environment rahter than selecting a set of objects. It still use raycasting to select one object.
  • Progressive Refinement - Continuous: It gradually changes the cursor depth to see the hidden object. Then use raycasting to select it.

Ref: Shi R, Zhang J, Yue Y, et al. Exploration of Bare-Hand Mid-Air Pointing Selection Techniques for Dense Virtual Reality Environments[C]//Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2023: 1-7.


MultiFingerBubble allows users to control a semi-transparent sphere by mapping the hand position onto the sphere position. The sphere can contain multiple targets - up to four. Each target is linked to a specific finger. Users can then select the desired target by flexing the corresponding finger.

  • Reach - Infinite It casts a sphere to contain the targets.
  • Cardinality - Single: It can only select one object.
  • Progressive Refinement - Discrete → Single Step: MultiFingerBubble includes mutliple targets in the volume selection. Each target in the volume selection is associated with a specific finger. Users can select a target by flexing its corresponding finger.

Ref: Delamare W, Daniel M, Hasan K. MultiFingerBubble: A 3D Bubble Cursor Variation for Dense Environments[C]//CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts. 2022: 1-6.