VR Fails

Scenario 1

One common scenario involves users inadvertently throwing themselves into their TVs while using VR headsets, as they frequently opt to use these devices in their living rooms.

In such situations, implementing a boundary system is essential. This system alerts users with visual and haptic signals when they near the predefined safe aera in their VR environment.

Nonetheless, there are instances where users, deeply engrossed in the virtual world, engage in vigorous activities such as running and jumping. The omnidirectional treadmills can provide a controlled environment for their VR experiences.

Scenario 2

When using VR headsets, the user’s vision of the real world is completely obscured, which can lead to accidental injuries if other people or pets enter their play area.

Here is a GIF of a man accidentally punching his dog.

One solution for solving this issue is awareing users when someone or something enters their play area. When sensing a moving object approaching, the VR device can blend this part of the world into the virtual world. Or display a surrogate in the virtual world to indicate the presence of external movement.

Here is an example of Apple Vision Pro.

CAVE System

What is CAVE?

A CAVE(Cave Automatic Virtual Environment ) is an immersive virtual reality environment where projectors are directed to between three and six of the walls of a room-sized cube. The user wears 3D glasses inside the CAVE to see 3D graphics generated by the CAVE.

CAVE System vs Head-Mounted Display

CAVE is a room-scale system where images are projected onto the wall. It allow multiple users to be in the same physical space and see the same virtual environment. For HMD, it consists of a stereo pair of small displays that cover the eyes. It is worn on the head and providing an individual VR experience.

  • CAVE
    • Advantages
      • A nonintrusive easy-to-learn high-resolution virtual reality interface. It’s good for collaborative work.
    • Disadvantages
      • Very expensive, not easy to set up, requires a dedicated space.
  • HMD
    • Advantages
      • More affordable and easy to use.
    • Disadvantages
      • Highly intrusive because it completely isolates the viewer from the real world.

CAVE in Reality-Virtuality Continuum of Milgram

In the CAVE system, users can view their own bodies and virtual environments. I think of it as augmenting the perception of a virtual environment with real elements and CAVE fits the Augmented Virtuality (AV).

When more people experience the cave system at the same time, especially when they collaborate, it increases the reality. So in this case, the position should move a bit to the left.